Thursday, October 31, 2019

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) - Term Paper Example Despite the fact that the common causes of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) are not very clear, it is important to note that experts consider testosterone and other related hormones and major causes of BPH. This is a direct implication that BPH androgens have to present for BPH to occur in a patient’s body. This is evidence by the fact that boys who are castrated do not develop the disease when they age. This is because such people do not produce the hormone testosterone and other related hormones that are closely associated with this condition. It is difficult to prove that the occurrence of BPH is associated with some environmental conditions and lifestyle. However, there may be genetic links to the disease. This is because studies have indicated that sons of men who were previously diagnosed with BPH tend to be more probable to contract this disease. This is an implication of the presence of genetic link to the disease (Bachmann, & Rosette, 2011). The disease only affects males and is proven to affect only the older men. It has not been proven that BPH can affect boys under the age of 20 and it is for this reason that the disease is associated with older men. BPH begins with both the stromal cells and the epithelial cells undergoing hyperplasia. In the process, a number of fibroadenomatous nodules form in the prostate around its periurethral region. The progressive growth of the nodules displaces the fibro-muscular prostate peripherally and the condition progresses. This results into the lengthening and narrowing of the prostatic urethral lumen. As a result, the outflow of urine is gradually obstructed (In Kaplan et al, 2014). Increased pressure, which is associated with bladder distention and micturition, can progress to trabeculation, the formation of cellule and diverticulitis. During the progressive

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Technology Integration In Learning Essay Example for Free

Technology Integration In Learning Essay There is almost no place that you can go where technology hasn’t been used. Technology affects our daily lives in everything that we do; it saves time, creates a world of endless learning, and makes traveling to halfway around the world effortless. Technology greatly reduces the time it takes to perform lives everyday tasks. Daily chores such as mowing the grass or doing the dishes have been reduced from hours to twenty minutes with the invention of the automatic dishwasher and gas powered lawn mower. New technologies have even eliminated the time it takes to read books when you can download the audio book off of iTunes to listen to on your iPod. In the work place machines have eliminated many of the hand labors of molding parts and assembling products creating a great surplus of extra hours to finish other works and increasing production. Technology also helps student in their studies. In an article published by Technology and Learning magazine, interviews were conducted with some leading research experts on how they felt about technologys impact on education. The first way that technology can benefit students is that it can accelerate, enrich and deepen basic skills. Under the right conditions, students learn faster with more depth of understanding using technology (Salpeter, 1999). Students who use the technology for real communication with a real audience are much more capable of talking to adults because they are getting used to ittechnology facilitates cooperative learning, encourages new roles for learners and the ability to work independently. said Judy Salpeter , who is the editor of the Technology and Learning magazine. The impact of technology on society is deep. It is both positive and negative. Technology has largely influenced every aspect of living. It has made life easy, but so easy that it may lose its charm one day. One can cherish an accomplishment only if it comes after effort. But everything has become so easily available due to technology that it has lost its value. There is a certain kind of enjoyment in achieving things after striving for them. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM This research generally aimed to analyze the importance of technology in learning. Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions: 1. What are the effects of technology in our lives? What are the negative effects of technology in our lives? How does the technology effects our environment? How does the technology effects the process of learning? SCOPE AND DELIMITATION OF THE STUDY This study consists of the importance of technology in our lives, in our studies and the effects of this.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Psychology Essays Hysteria

Psychology Essays Hysteria Hysteria has been seen as both a form of political protest and as the failure to negotiate and resolve the Oedipus complex. Discuss with reference to the Dora case. In many ways, hysteria and the hysteric patient go right to the very heart of psychoanalysis. It was after all, as we shall see, the basis of Freud and Breuers assertions on the validity of psychoanalysis and psychodynamic treatment and has been used ever since by theorists and practitioners as a test case with which to continually asses those initial findings. In the late nineteenth century, as now, the hysteric patient exists in a kind of hinterland of diagnosis, being appropriated for the good, sometimes, of not themselves but the larger discourse of psychiatry or critical theory. The many case histories that litter the canonical texts of psychoanalysis are testament to the wide variety of symptoms and manifestations of hysteria that are as numerous as are the patients themselves. Karl Abraham, in his essay on Hysterical Dream States (1988) gives us this same sense as early as 1910: these states differ greatly in degree, exhibit considerable variations in their duration, are often associated with the affect of anxiety(and)I myself have come across these state sin a number of patients whom I have treated with psychoanalysis. (Abraham, 1988: 90) With this in mind, in this essay I would like to look at two of the most important aetiological views of hysteria of the last hundred and twenty years; those of Freud and the non-resolution of the Oedipus complex and those of the French and American feminists who viewed hysteria as being, not only a manifestation of phallocentric social registers but also a protest against them. In order to centre this study within an existing analytical framework I will constantly refer both views back to Freuds case history of Dora (Freud, 1977), itself of course, one of the seminal early works on the formation of psychoanalysis and thinking of hysteria and hysterical symptoms. One can only appreciate the impact of Freuds work on hysteria, I think, if one first places it into the context of contemporary and preceding medical theory. Niel Micklem in his The Nature of Hysteria (1996) details the conditions long history: The lively interest for medicine that hysteria has aroused since it was first recorded in ancient Egypt more than 3,000 years ago has yielded a substantial amount of writing(and)the most accomplished research worker would be hard pressed to account for all the literature. (Micklem, 1996: 1) As Micklem suggests, hysteria is a protean and multifaceted disease (Micklem, 1996: 3) that is difficult to discern both by the physician and the historian. However right from its earliest beginnings, the notion of hysteria has always been associated with the notion of sexual development and, in particular, that of women. Greek myth is littered with countless examples of phantasmatic conditions brought on by either sexual excess or repression; from the mythological portrait of Demeter to Platos assertions in Timaeus that: When (sexual) desire is unsatisfied the man is over-mastered by the power of the generative organs, and the woman is subjected to disorders from the obstruction of the passages of the breath, until the two meet and pluck the fruit of the tree. (Plato, trans. Howett, 1970, steph.91) As Micklem suggests, this swing between repression and nymphomania has been a constant leitmotif in aetiological thinking regarding hysteria since Plato and Homer. However, in the nineteenth century work of Pierre Briquet and, later Jean Martin Charcot, the reliance upon sex and frustration as a central feature of hysteria was abandoned in favour of an approach that concerned itself far more with genetic and hereditary factors. It was at this time, also, that the psychiatric profession began to take hysteria seriously as a condition and it was chiefly through this that it was twinned with neurosis; a factor that was to have a marked impact on Freuds interest in it as a basis for psychoanalysis. Around the end of the nineteenth century, then, the work of Briquet and Charcot had instilled hysteria into the annals of neurological illness. Charcots work on hysteria concretized the condition as one that could be studied through recognition of underlying psychopathological causes rather than physical symptoms, as Stanley Finger asserts: Charcot hypothesized that mental events can act as agents provocateurs, or triggers, for hysterical reactions, at least in an individuals with weak constitutions. He found provoking agents in the loss of a loved one, fears about a real illness, and work-related trauma. (Finger, 2000: 194) This notion, as Ernest Jones suggests in his The Life and Work of Sigmund Freud (1961: 208) was to have a profound effect on Freud and form the basis of his and Breuers Studies on Hysteria (1972). The case history of Dora stands, along with Anna O, Little Hans and the Rat Man, as seminal texts in the history of psychoanalysis. Freud prefaces his study with the caution that it represents only part of the over all research, however it is a remarkably illuminating and complete record of the early applications of psychoanalysis. The case itself surrounds Dora, an eighteen year old woman who suffered a variety of neurotic illness including shortness of breath (dyspnoea), lose of voice, paralysis, fainting spells, depression and threats of suicide. In analysis, Dora revealed that she had been pursued by Herr K. a family friend, whose wife was conducting a sexual affair with Doras father; Doras mother was an ineffectual figure in the story who was marginalized both by Dora and, subsequently by Freud himself. Doras bouts of hysteria coincided with real and imaginary contact with Herr K. and reveal themselves through a series of paraparaxes and dreams that provide material for Freuds interpretation. For Freud, of course, hysteria existed as a psychic rather than a physical condition (Freud, 1972: 25). His and Breuers Studies in Hysteria and his own case notes on Dora follows, in some senses, what we have seen as Charcoldian lines of thought, tracing the source of the patients hysterical symptoms back to some childhood event or trauma. In the first dream analysis, for instance, Freud links Doras dream concerning the burning of a house in which she stays with childhood memories of bedwetting and being woken up by her father: Think of the expressions you used: that an accident might happen in the night, and that it might be necessary to leave the room. Surely the allusion must be to a physical need? And if you transpose the accident into childhood what can it be but bedwetting? (Freud, 1977: 108) The Dora study is interesting, I think, in that it provides us with an ideal fulcrum around which to place Freuds thought. We can note echoes still of Charcot in the analysis and of Freuds earlier insistence on childhood trauma but, of course, by the studys publication in 1905 Freud had formulated his concept of the Oedipus complex (Jones, 1961) and it is this, along with transference perhaps, that provides much of the analytical undercurrent of the text. The symbolism of Doras first dream, for instance, is suffused with Oedipal imagery and reference. It details the dreamer trapped in a burning house whereupon she is awoken by her father. Her Mother, in the meantime, attempts to save her jewelry box but is stopped again by her father; as Dora exists the house she awakens. Freud interprets this dream as an indication of Doras repressed sexual desires for her father; the jewelry box becoming symbolic of both her womb and the favour of her father for her mother. The dream reoccurred whilst the subject was visiting the lakeside holiday home that became the scene of the attempted seduction by Herr K. and this was seen by Freud as an indication that Doras repressed sexual desires for her father were being awakened in order to further suppress her mature desire for her suitor: My interpretation was that she had at that point summoned up an infantile affection for her father so as to be able to keep her repressed love for Herr K. in its state of repression. This same revulsion in the patients mental life was reflected in the dream. (Freud, 1977: 124) Here we have two important features of Freuds notion of the importance of the Oedipus complex in the formation of neurosis, firstly that this manifests itself in dreams and secondly that Dora unconsciously drew upon her unresolved Oedipal or Electra complex in order to repress mature sexual desire. If we return again to the first dream we note tropes and Oedipal leitmotifs that even Freud did not discover. The locking of the jewelry box, for instance, is linked with the locking of her brothers room by her mother: My brothers room, you see, has no separate entrance, but can only be reached through the dining-room. Father does not want my brother to be locked in like that. (Freud, 1977: 101) We can detect quite clearly here the extent of the Oedipal reference in the dream. Commensurate with Freuds notions of condensation (Freud, 1965: 312) and displacement (Freud, 1965: 340), Dora suggests that her brother is, in fact the treasure or jewel that her Mother wants to lock away; by not allowing this, her Father both displays his own Oedipal affect (in reality) and strengthens Doras Oedipal attachment to him (in her dream). For Freud, of course, this unresolved complex is repressed and manifests itself as hysteria. Of course, the third element of Oedipal attachment here (after her father and Herr K) is the transference onto Freud himself and the Dora case history stands, perhaps, as one of the greatest stories of seduction, of reader by author, in psychoanalysis. In Freud and the Passions, John ONeil suggests that: Listening with the third ear to Dora meant taking on the part of a hysterical daughter caught in a series of transgressive erotic triangles, while at the same time, attempting to preserve his own discrete boundary as analyst-father. It meant supplementing a fractured verbal narration (her story) with meanings he read into her physical symptoms (his story), joining them together as a single story. (ONeill, 1996: 101) Whereas, as many commentators have pointed out (Blass, 1992; Krohn and Krohn, 1982) there is a wealth of Oedipal content in the Dora case and Freuds interpretation it has also been the basis for much criticism. Much of this criticism, in recent years has centered around Freuds phallocentric interpretation of Doras symptoms (Horrocks, 2001). Freuds assertions that Doras revulsion upon being kissed by Herr K. is reflective of her repressed desires, be they Oedipal in the first instance or for Herr K in the second, is for instance refuted by Roger Horrocks in Freud Revisited: Psychoanalytic Themes in a Postmodern Age (2001), who sees her actions as merely the understandable reactions of a woman caught up in a, mainly masculine, play of power. In her essay The Hysterical Woman: Sex Roles and Role Conflict in 19th Century America (1992), Carroll Smith Rosenberg highlights this phaollocentric construction of the hysterical patient: Contemporaries noted routinely in the 1870s, 1880s and 1890s that middle class American girls seemed ill-prepared to assume the responsibilities and trials of marriage, motherhood and maturation. Frequently women, especially married women with children, complained of isolation, loneliness and depression. (Smith Rosenberg, 1992: 26) This views hysteria as the outcome of an oppressive masculine society that both controls and diagnoses. Dora, for instance, is defined by the wishes of her father, as daughter; as lover by Herr K. and as hysteric by Freud. The phallocentric construction of the feminine binary in the text, displaying on the one hand the ineffectual housewife in the shape of Doras mother and the cause of desire in the form of Frau K. traps Dora who fits into neither and so is labeled neurotic. Smith Rosenberg (and others such as Elaine Showalter in The Female Malady [1987]) also point to the adoption of hysterical symptoms as a sociopolitical protest by the women against the impossible situation that they found themselves in: It is quite possible that many women experienced a significant level of anxiety when forced to confront or adapt in one way or another to these changes. Thus hysteria may have served as one option to tactic offering particular women otherwise unable to respond to changes (Smith Rosenberg, 1992: 26) We can note, for instance, that there is a distinct link between the concept of illness in the case of Dora and the inability to accept social roles. Her Fathers illness precludes him from satisfactorily fulfilling his role as father, lover and husband and Doras hysterical attacks seems to occur at times of stress, when she is being forced, either by her father, Herr. K or Freud to adopt an external, clearly defined feminine role to which she is not accustomed. In fact Freud mentions but then glosses over this very point in his early analysis (Freud, 1977: 74-75). Caught within a binary of feminization, Dora exists as the projections of the male presences around her and, in order to protest against this, withdraws into hysteria, and as Mari Jo Buhle suggests: Freuds most acclaimed study of a hysteric discloses such a huge blind spot that the celebrated case of Dora documents more clearly the authors own avoidance mechanisms. (Buhle, 1998: 30) As we have see, then, there are cases to made for hysteria to be based in both Freudian notions of the unresolved Oedipus complex and the creation of feminine ideals and social norms by a largely masculine society. Freuds case study is as interesting to the student of the development of Freudian psychoanalysis, I think, as the psychoanalyst him or herself. Of course, we have here looked briefly at only two of the many psychoanalytical frameworks that have been designed to study hysteria. We might mention, for instance Lacans discussion of the Dora case in essay Function and Field of Speech and Language (Lacan, 2004) or Kleins notions of the father as good object in the aetiology of feminine sexuality and how it relates to the resolving of the Oedipus complex. What we can assert, by looking at these two specific instances, is the extent that psychoanalytic and socio-political interpretations of hysteria say as much about the wider culture than they do about the condition itself. This view, of course, is commensurate with Foucaults concept of enunciative discourses in his Madness and Civilization (2004) and The Archaeology of Knowledge (1989) The case of Dora provides us with an interesting picture of Freud struggling to come to terms with not only concepts such as hysteria and the Oedipus complex but transference, negative transference and, in fact, the whole basis of modern psychoanalysis. As we have seen, the criticism of the second wave feminists was, perhaps, well founded. The case study, whilst being an exemplar in the ways that analysis can be used is also just as indicative of its problems and shortfalls. References Abraham, Karl (1988), Hysterical Dream States, published in Selected Papers on Psychoanalysis, (London: Karnac) Adler, Alfred (1956), The Individual Psychology of Alfred Adler, (London: Harper Torchbooks) Beizer, Janet (1994), Ventriloquized Bodies: Narratives of Hysteria in Nineteenth Century France, (Ithaca: Cornell University Press) Buhle, Mary Jo (1998), Feminism and its Discontents: A Century of Struggle with Psychoanalysis, (London: Harvard University) Finger, Stanley (2000), Minds Behind the Brain, (Oxford: Oxford University Press) Freud, Sigmund (1977), Case Histories 1: Dora and Little Hans, (London: Penguin) Freud, Sigmund (1965), The Interpretation of Dreams, (London: Discus Books) Freud, Sigmund and Breuer, Joseph (1972), Studies in Hysteria, (London: William Benton) Freud, Sigmund (1976), The Psychopathology of Everyday Life, (London: Penguin) Freud, Sigmund (1974), Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis, (London: Penguin) Foucault, Michel (2004), Madness and Civilization, (London: Routledge) Foucault, Michel (1989), Archaeology of Knowledge, (London: Routledge) Foucault, Michel (1990), The History of Sexuality: Vol. 3: The Care of the Self, (London: Penguin) Horrocks, Roger (2001), Freud Revisited: Psychoanalytic Themes in the Postmodern Age, (London: Palgrave) Jones, Ernest (1961), The Life and Work of Sigmund Freud, (London: Pelican) Kahane, Claire (1990), In Doras Case: Freud, Hysteria, Feminism, (New York: Columbia University Press) Klein, Melanie (1997), The Psycho Analysis of Children, (London: Verso) Lacan, Jacques (2004), Ecrits: A Selection, (London: Routledge) Micklem, Niel (1996), The Nature of Hysteria, (London: Routledge) Murohy, Sean and Popay, Jennie (eds), Health and Disease: A Reader, (Milton Keynes: Open University Press) ONeill, John (1996), Freud and the Passions, (Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania State University) Plato (1970), Dialogues of Plato, (trans. B. Jowett), (London: Sphere) Showalter, Elaine (1987), The Female Malady, (London: Virago) Smith Rosenberg, Carroll (1992), The Hysterical Woman: Sex Roles and Role Conflict in 19th Century America, published in Black, Nick, Boswell, David, Gray, Alastair, Wolheim, Richard (1971), Freud, (London: Fontana|)

Friday, October 25, 2019

Hidden Curriculum Essay -- essays research papers

Hidden Curriculum   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Education is designed to serve many purposes towards the youths of today. It teaches the youth how to be better people and it prepares them for life. Education teaches its pupils knowledge in more that one way, by looking at life in different directions. There is a curriculum that is taught by the teachers and the textbooks, and in addition to the standard schooling there is also a â€Å"hidden curriculum.† Gatto and Rose each have their own style of teaching and learning and their articles explain their unique styles. In college, high school, and even previous schooling, lessons are taught that enforce hidden instruction, but the students that succeed are the ones that recognize this and learn from it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the article â€Å"The Seven-Lesson Schoolteacher,† written by the teacher John Taylor Gatto, he sarcastically talks about how he secretly teaches his students lessons in life without their knowing. His messages teach important things in life such as patience and organization. Gatto’s lessons like these are important for people to learn in school, but they cannot be taught out of a book or in a lesson. He believes these types of lessons must be taught to children within hidden messages to make it easier to learn. Gatto is speaking the truth when he says that the lesson plans of teachers contain much hidden curriculum. For example, Gatto jokingly says that he teaches confusion as one of these mysterious le...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

American Colonies Relations with Britian

Colten Redmond Mr. Smith AP US History 2 October 2012 DBQ: British and American Colonies Relations The French and Indian war affected the relations between the British and the American colonies through political turmoil, economical debt leading to strict taxation, and ideological differences which increased colonial violence. These sources of anger and resentment created a permanent gap between Britain and the American Colonies that would eventually lead to a brutal revolution.The French lost the entirety of their North American possessions after the French and Indian War, which led to numerous new possessions for the British (Doc A). The British and American colonies political views differed greatly because of the effect of salutary neglect. The colonies were not accustomed to direct taxation or strict governing rules. The Proclamation of 1763 was one of the first forms of direct control imposed by the British. The proclamation called for a movement of all settlers to stay east of t he Appalachian Mountains.Many settlers ignored the proclamation, but nevertheless, it began a short era of direct control under the British. The British council determined that the American colonies needed to be taxed in order to raise revenue and regulate trade (Doc F). The council’s motives led to direct taxes on the colonies such as the Sugar Act, Currency Act, and Stamp Act. Benjamin Franklin attempted to represent the colonies in London as he partook in the repeal of the Stamp Act (Doc G). He wrote letters to John Highs, detailing his efforts to repeal the act and the dire need for the colonies to stay firm and loyal towards the crown.Many colonists did not waver from their loyalty towards the British Crown, such as Reverend Thomas Barnard. In one of his man sermons to Massachusetts, Barnard emphasizes how their mother country had protected them from turmoil and how she should be honored and served for her great services (Doc E). The differing political views were beginn ing to cause friction among many colonists, leading to rash decisions. The Boston Massacre, although overly emphasized in many accounts, sparked violence throughout the colonies. These cts of violence were a direct result of the Quartering Act, Declatory Act, and Townshend Acts. The Boston Tea Party was used to boycott the British after the Tea Act, and this became the final act of opposition by the colonists before Britain imposed Marshall Law. The Intolerable Acts were a punishment for the colonies after the Boston Tea Party, and it imposed Marshall Law, curfews, the closing of Boston Harbor, and the revocation of the Massachusetts charter. All of these forms of control by the British caused growing political differences and overall turmoil for both sides.The French and Indian war was not only political, but it offered a great deal of land wealth for the British. Chief Canasatego of the Onondaga Nation, who represented the Iroquois Confederacy, stated that the lands of his people were becoming more valuable to the white man (Doc B). This value attracted British officers, such as George Washington, to the scene of the war. Washington stated his desire to serve under General Braddock, due to the fame and prestige he could attain from the campaign (Doc C).The colonists, specifically those from Massachusetts, were employed under the British Crown, though their conditions were debilitating. They spoke of their denied Englishmen’s rights and the opposition under British control (Doc D). All of this culminated into a desire for economical wealth and prosperity. The war would ultimately rob the British of their wealth which led to direct taxation of the colonists in order to replenish it. The British saw the taxes as a source of revenue for repaying the war debt; however, this angered the colonists and led to strong opposition.The Stamp Act, which was a tax on all documents, led to the creation of the Stamp Act Congress. The colonists also organized into the Sons of Liberty and began to boycott the British. The ability to boycott was detrimental to the British because it rendered there taxes virtually useless. The economical debt sustained by the British was the main factor in the strict taxation of the colonists. The ideological differences between the American colonies and Britain caused anger and violence throughout the colonies.The American colonies wished to be self-independent and were content with salutary neglect. When Britain increased their direct control over the colonies, it caused resentment and rebellion. The colonies had settled into a systematic set of ideas and concepts that shaped their daily lives, while the British uprooted those ideas by their sudden forms of control. The colonies tried to express their anger towards the British Stamp Act through their newspapers. Then newspapers expressed that they had to go out of business due to the actual cost of producing the newspaper leaving them moneyless (Doc H).The colonie s began to severely question the motives of the British and whether these extreme taxes were actually alleviating their debt at all. The political turmoil, economical debt mingled with strict taxation, and ideological differences created an air of resentment for the British within the American Colonies. This resentment and anger led to the brutal American Revolution. The mistakes of the British were also specifically outlined during the creation of our Constitution, which secured the ideals and motives of the American Colonies.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

A Raisin in the Sun & the American Dream

The American dream in the ’50s was close to materialism. The ownership of consumer goods was believed to bring joy into a family’s life. This stereotypical view governs the dream of one of the main characters in Lorraine Hansberry’s play.The title of the play is based on â€Å"Harlem† by Langston Hughes, a poem that raises a question about a dream that is deferred. â€Å"Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun? †¦ Or does it explode?† (Rampersad, 1995, pg. 426) There are three main characters and all three of them of have dreams that have been prolonged for too long. A Raisin in the Sun is about the rocky journey they go through to acquire their dreams.  The Younger’s family has just received a $10,000 dollar check for their dead father’s life insurance policy. They live in a two bedroom apartment on the black side of town in Chicago. Racial prejudices against blacks in that era and a low income are the root of conflict in the f amily.Mama, deceased Mr. Youngers widow wishes to buy a house and fulfill the dream she once saw with her husband. Beneatha, Mama’s daughter, hopes to find her identity through looking towards true African heritage. Walter, Mama’s son, wishes to one day become rich. He wants to replenish his marriage and provide his son with all the opportunities he never had growing up.Walter wants to invest money in the liquor business with a few of his friends. Although the idea appalls Mama at first, she trusts and supports her son with his decision. The night before making the investment Walter tells his son about the business transaction he about to make while tucking him into bed. He tells the little boy that their lives will change soon and paints an elaborate and vivid picture of the future. He tells his son that when he’s seventeen years old he’ll come home and park the Chrysler in the driveway.The gardener will greet him and when he’s inside the house he ’ll kiss his wife and come up to his sons room to see him browsing through brochures of the best colleges in America. He then tells his son that he will give him whatever he wants. Although Walter is somewhat materialistic in what he wants at the core he just wants a happy family and a son who should have all the chances he never had.During this time Mama buys a house to fulfill the dream she saw with her husband; the only one she can afford is in a white suburban neighborhood. Mr. Lindner a man from the neighborhood comes to the Younger house trying to convince them to not destroy the white community. He offers a lot of money in exchange for their acceptance.Meanwhile Walter looses all the money he has invested in the liquor store because I friend has run away with it. When he looses the majority of their financial resources the entire family falls into a deeper level of depression. At this time, Walter decides to take the money the white man has to offer. The thought of sel ling away their right vexes Mama, Walter’s sister and his wife. They detest Walter for dealing with his dead fathers money so easily and feel that he has lost his soul when he days we wants to be bought out by the white Mr. Lindner.Ultimately, loosing everything they have unites them because at the last moment Walter changes his mind about taking money from Mr. Lindner. Walter tells him that they have moved into the house because their father earned it for them. He continues by saying that they don’t want to disturb the neighborhood peace or protest for bigger causes, and that they’d be nice neighbors.He tells Mr. Lindner that he doesn’t want the money. At this moment the entire family’s spirits are lifted and they are proud of the decision Walter has made. This act of standing by your family to achieve the American dream of succeeding no matter who you are and where you come from unites them. They learn to support each other and put their families before their own. By owning a house, having a high morale, and the support of their family, each of them is on their way to fulfill their American dream.ReferencesFoulis, Rhona (2005, March, 14). A Raisin in the Sun. Retrieved March 8, 2008, from Culture Wars Web site: , G and Struss, Joe. (2002, April, 02). Iowa State University. Retrieved March 8, 2008, from ISU Play Concordances Web site:, A (Ed.). (1995). The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes. Alfred A. Knopf, Inc..   

Free Essays on Indian Budism

The Chinese and India cultures are interconnected with one another. The art, architecture, religion and social standards of these great civilizations have intricate similarities and striking differences. The two have influenced each other in many ways. India spread its Buddhist beliefs to the Chinese and the Chinese introduced new trade and industry to the Indian culture. They shared many of these things unknowingly through trade and people moving through out the world. One of the major details in Indian art is the use of the tribhunga style. This style is one of creating a human form in which the stance contains three curves. These curves usually are at the hip, shoulder and head. A second detail of Indian art is the special hand positions. A piece may show one with their hand in a certain form. These defined positions will indicate a power or skill that is held by the person depicted. Many of the pieces on exhibit at the MFA’s Indian collection are religious in nature. Their religious beliefs affected their lives in all aspects. One must live the proper life in order to move on to a better one when they reach the next life. They would create many statues for each of the different gods they worshiped. These statues were referred to as Bodhisattvas. The different characteristics of these works such as stance and hand position would indicate who was represented. Many of the statues would also have multiple arms. These arms were symbolic of the deity having many talents and purposes. This may show one arm with a weapon, another with a religious item and yet another with a special hand position that indicates a special power held by that particular Bodhisattva. The art forms and styles of the Chinese culture changed often in ancient times. In each dynasty there were tell tale signs that the pieces were made in that era. These telling factors could vary greatly from colors used to materials. Many examples of these differences lie in ... Free Essays on Indian Budism Free Essays on Indian Budism The Chinese and India cultures are interconnected with one another. The art, architecture, religion and social standards of these great civilizations have intricate similarities and striking differences. The two have influenced each other in many ways. India spread its Buddhist beliefs to the Chinese and the Chinese introduced new trade and industry to the Indian culture. They shared many of these things unknowingly through trade and people moving through out the world. One of the major details in Indian art is the use of the tribhunga style. This style is one of creating a human form in which the stance contains three curves. These curves usually are at the hip, shoulder and head. A second detail of Indian art is the special hand positions. A piece may show one with their hand in a certain form. These defined positions will indicate a power or skill that is held by the person depicted. Many of the pieces on exhibit at the MFA’s Indian collection are religious in nature. Their religious beliefs affected their lives in all aspects. One must live the proper life in order to move on to a better one when they reach the next life. They would create many statues for each of the different gods they worshiped. These statues were referred to as Bodhisattvas. The different characteristics of these works such as stance and hand position would indicate who was represented. Many of the statues would also have multiple arms. These arms were symbolic of the deity having many talents and purposes. This may show one arm with a weapon, another with a religious item and yet another with a special hand position that indicates a special power held by that particular Bodhisattva. The art forms and styles of the Chinese culture changed often in ancient times. In each dynasty there were tell tale signs that the pieces were made in that era. These telling factors could vary greatly from colors used to materials. Many examples of these differences lie in ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Sibling Rivalry Essays - Sibling, Family, Kinship And Descent

Sibling Rivalry Essays - Sibling, Family, Kinship And Descent Sibling Rivalry Sibling rivalry will always occur in a household of more than one child whether through comparison, fighting, jealousy, or by other means. Parents and children both contribute to the rivalry. It will occur on a daily, weekly, and even an hourly basis. Sibling rivalry may become difficult and annoying to parents, but they must deal with it day after day. In definition, sibling rivalry is when one sibling or more compete with one another or try to emulate each other .Rivalry is different from fighting. It appears when children compete for their parents? love and attention (Faull 88). Sibling relationships can be a key to rivalry. An intense relationship includes love and hate, play and fight, and the teasing and mocking of each other. There are some questions on why certain siblings get along harmoniously and affectionately, while there are others that constantly fight (Dunn front flap). Siblings usually have a very harsh relationship when they are young. As they mature, they become better friends and start getting into fewer and fewer fights .Brothers and sisters sometimes work together to get through jams. Siblings occasionally team up to trick or get back at a parent in revenge (Faber and Mazlish 27-28). Aggression is very frequent in sibling relationships. In one study, 29% of behavior observed between siblings was hostile (Dunn 22). It is usually the older child being aggressive to the younger one, but the younger child may become increasingly aggressive as he/she grows. In one Canadian study, a family where the mother is very friendly to the second born at the eight month stage, the two children were very opposed to each other six months later (Dunn 98). There are many siblings that take their aggression to the extremes, and others who travel through phases of rivalry, then end in a close, loving relationship (?Sibling Aggression?). Plus, not all rivalry is negative. Birth order greatly affects the relationships between siblings. Frank J. Sulloway, writer of Born to Rebel, had this to say about birth order, ?Few aspects of human behavior can claim such generalizability (as birth order) across class, nationality, gender, and time.? Birth order is the ultimate cause of behavior; it is destiny?if not entirely, then pretty nearly so (Epstein 51). First children tend to accomplish more than their siblings do because their parents expect more of them. All children in a family behave differently because of the way they are or were treated by their parents and others. The first child is very bossy to younger sibs, and has strong beliefs about what is right or wrong, and how his younger sibs should behave. He/she does not let the younger ones get away with something they could not do at their age. The second or middle child does not expect to get his or her own way much. They learn to achieve what they want through indirect means. The third or youngest ch ild learns that the best method for him to get his way is by being nice. He frequently does what he wants and gets away with it because others do not notice (Ames and Haber 63-66). Sibling rivalry has many causes that both parents and children can bring about. Parents create rivalry problems by comparison and favoritism. They have to see their kids as separate individuals, and not compare them. The parents have to make sure that comparisons do not lead to them buying one thing for a child?s need, and then buying the same item for the other child even though he does not need it. There are certain types of comparison: positive and pressure. Positive comments can start problems between siblings (i. e. ?I see from your homework that you are a math whiz, just like your sister!? Kent 80). ?Children may feel resentful when parents push them into each other?s turf,? reports Kathy Thorburg, Ph.D (quoted in Kent 80). When a parent compares two siblings, it puts pressure in sports, school, and any other aspects of life on the younger child . Parents inadvertently play favorites with their children. The favorite child may not always be the cutest, smartest, kindest, or mo st thoughtful. It is natural to feel a preference to one

Saturday, October 19, 2019

ITSM implementation success Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

ITSM implementation success - Assignment Example The application of this approach also recognizes that the information technology systems cannot work independently without accountability. Appropriate management of the Information technology systems using the ITSM approach also helps organization to discover strategize that can be used to offer the IT services at reduced competitive costs. The ITSM design was made up to respond to the tests that were encountered by medium and small sized organizations in an attempt to adapt an IT model that is centered to the views and opinions customers. This approach has also developed affordable applications that apply expertise skills helping the organization to obtain all the benefits related to ITSM. Most organizations put all efforts and best practices in place to give their customers the goods and services yet they do not reap the maximum benefits from their activities in relation to their efforts (Leonardi, 2007). These organizations fail to get all the benefits because they do not implemen t the appropriate cost effective approaches in their activities. The traditional practices in return consume more resources in terms of capital, labor and time. As compared to the traditional operation management practices, the ITSM approach reduced the operational costs greatly mainly due to the use of advanced information technology systems as well as applying expertise skills in the use of the approach. Another major aim of the application of Information Technology Service management approach is to enhance the delivery of IT related services to customers based on the process oriented approach. This involves examining and optimizing all services provided to the customers to ensure that they meet the interest and the values that the customers require. ITSM introduces the focus on the delivery of end to end services by applying the best practice process models while the traditional approaches focused on managing on Information technology as a stack. ITSM also aligns the IT services with the new changing trends of the organizations. Some of the changing patterns and emerging trends in most organizations include the size or the organization, advancement of the IT systems change of the organizations goals and the change of the organizations goals and visions. For an organization improve service delivery to their customers, some factors should be considered. These factors include quality planning, efficient project management and commitment by the staff to service delivery and the involvement of the organization in providing Information Technology systems. The ITSM approach similarly helps the organizations to effectively plan and create strategies that enhance quality planning as well as improve the service delivery to customers. Quality and strategic planning which is enhanced by the ITSM approach is the ability of the organization to collectively have control and manage the future and destiny of the organization. Project management as a factor for enhancing ser vice delivery to the customer is defined as the formal approach to changes in the organization such some of the projects organizations may be involved in include system development, procurement and implementation and cultural changes among others. According to Van, B. J et al (2008) Information Technology Service Management (ITSM) has gained popularity in both public and

Friday, October 18, 2019

Discussion Questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 14

Discussion Questions - Assignment Example It is also applicable to companies that have bulky and variable production consignment, inability to meet changing demand patterns and possess excessive inventories due to the need for outsized safety stocks. The strategy has many advantages in the advertising sector especially in reducing expenditure. Conversely, a pull promotional approach creates awareness for a specific service or product, which is fashioned with an objective audience in mind (Schultz, 2002). This audience then demands the merchandise from channel partners. In this system, the consumer requests for the product and pulls it through the release channel. The strategy is based on consumed or actual demand unlike the push tactic that is based on forecast demand. The pull tactic can be applied in a situation where production and distribution are demand driven. A company may also apply it to that bit of the supply chain where order uncertainty is high. Elsewhere, it is applied in instances where a company is experiencing a decrease in lead-time, has no inventory, or is responding to specific demands. It greatly influences sales promotions and discounts, word of mouth appointments, mass media promotion and advertising. Pull promotional strategy is what our company utilizes mostly as we advertise, build on customer relationship management, and carry out sales promotions and offer discounts (Schultz, 2002). Just one strategy has proven not to give much of good returns in the businesses, which are in line with my career. In the course of work, I have had to balance both push and pull strategies. The result has been a powerful marketing mix that strongly entices customers to buy the wares I have had to sell for the company. From observation and experience in customer interactions throughout my career, it has come out that consumers react differently to marketing strategies used on the same product. This has necessitated the

Event study for efficient market hypothesis ex dividend data Dissertation

Event study for efficient market hypothesis ex dividend data - Dissertation Example The intention of this study are efficient market hypothesis. The theory ‘efficient market’ was formulated by Eugene Fama in 1970. He described an efficient market as a market where at any point in time, actual prices of individual securities already reflect the effects of information based both on events that have already occurred and on events which, as of now, the market expects to take place in the future. The efficient market prices represent the intrinsic value of the securities. Researchers have developed this hypothesis to be known as the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) which states that the market prices reflect all information known to the public. Market react to any new information available in the market immediately as reflected in stock prices rather than gradually adjust it. This theory is an important concept in the area of understanding equity markets and cost of equity capital. Another important concept in the area of equity markets is that of random wa lk hypothesis. According to this hypothesis, the anticipated price of an asset fluctuates randomly around its expected value. Both the efficient market and random walk hypothesis, it is a futile exercise to try and find overpriced and under-priced assets. This is because, in an efficient market, the assets in the stock market are already reflecting all the available information. There are no future predictions that can be made about how a market will behave. The price of any assets is already a reflection of the best estimates for the expected risk and return of the assets. The suggestion that all the information known about past, present and future events is reflected in the current market prices means that the financial analysts are snake oil salesmen. This is why the EMH is such a controversial hypothesis. However, in an inefficient market, investors can identify miss-priced assets. Identifying the same can enable an investor to achieve gains (Rutterford, 1993). Because of these reasons, these hypotheses provide a solid theoretical and predictive model about the operations of the financial markets and influence more people to invest in stock market (Will, 2006). Types of Market Efficiency There are three primary categorization of EMH given by Fama (1970) according to the type of information reflected in the stock price – 1. Weak-form efficiency - Share prices reflect all past information and thus, rules out the possibility of predicting future stock prices on the basis of past

Stress reduction techniques Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Stress reduction techniques - Research Paper Example Distress is a negative type of stress that can be short term or long term. This type of stress is caused by frequent undesired changes. Hyperstress occurs when a person is "pushed beyond what he or she can handle" (National Center). Hypostress occurs when a person is not pushed at all. Boredom is an example of hypostress. These types of stress can cause direct health problems, such as weakening the immune system and indirect health problems, such as leading a person to alcohol or drug abuse (Smyth, Joshua and Kelly Filipkowski, 272). There are many different ways that people cope with these types of stress. According to Band and Weisz, there are three main ways of coping with stress: primary control coping, secondary control coping, or relinquished control. With primary control coping, the individual attempts to change the circumstance that is causing the stress. With secondary control coping, the individual attempts to adjust to the current circumstance that is stressful. With relin quished control, the individual neither attempts to change the circumstance or adjust to it. The individual instead tries to ignore the problem. This paper will cover five popular techniques for reducing stress. One of the most popular techniques for reducing stress is meditation. This exercise is usually used with secondary control or relinquished control coping. There are three basic types of meditation: mantra meditation, sitting meditation, and breath-counting meditation (Davis, Eshelman and McKay). In mantra meditation, the individual settles into a comfortable position and repeats a special word or phrase to clear the mind of other thoughts and induce relaxation. Sitting meditation is the simplest type. The individual settles into a comfortable sitting position, then focusing on his or her breathing to induce relaxation. The last type is breath-counting meditation. This is similar to the sitting type, except the individual counts to a specified number, usually 5 or 10, for

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Event study for efficient market hypothesis ex dividend data Dissertation

Event study for efficient market hypothesis ex dividend data - Dissertation Example The intention of this study are efficient market hypothesis. The theory ‘efficient market’ was formulated by Eugene Fama in 1970. He described an efficient market as a market where at any point in time, actual prices of individual securities already reflect the effects of information based both on events that have already occurred and on events which, as of now, the market expects to take place in the future. The efficient market prices represent the intrinsic value of the securities. Researchers have developed this hypothesis to be known as the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) which states that the market prices reflect all information known to the public. Market react to any new information available in the market immediately as reflected in stock prices rather than gradually adjust it. This theory is an important concept in the area of understanding equity markets and cost of equity capital. Another important concept in the area of equity markets is that of random wa lk hypothesis. According to this hypothesis, the anticipated price of an asset fluctuates randomly around its expected value. Both the efficient market and random walk hypothesis, it is a futile exercise to try and find overpriced and under-priced assets. This is because, in an efficient market, the assets in the stock market are already reflecting all the available information. There are no future predictions that can be made about how a market will behave. The price of any assets is already a reflection of the best estimates for the expected risk and return of the assets. The suggestion that all the information known about past, present and future events is reflected in the current market prices means that the financial analysts are snake oil salesmen. This is why the EMH is such a controversial hypothesis. However, in an inefficient market, investors can identify miss-priced assets. Identifying the same can enable an investor to achieve gains (Rutterford, 1993). Because of these reasons, these hypotheses provide a solid theoretical and predictive model about the operations of the financial markets and influence more people to invest in stock market (Will, 2006). Types of Market Efficiency There are three primary categorization of EMH given by Fama (1970) according to the type of information reflected in the stock price – 1. Weak-form efficiency - Share prices reflect all past information and thus, rules out the possibility of predicting future stock prices on the basis of past

Problem Solving Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4

Problem Solving - Essay Example From this paper it is clear that the author overalls initial plan is to investigate the major root course of the problem. He will focus on comparing his performance to that of the overall best student. The reporter will review his studying plan and culture to determine the possible deficiencies that may be present. He will also consult with his teachers for each and every subject to get an opinion from them on his performance and what may have been the possible causes.As the discussion highlights the author will analyze his options. Among the possible solutions would be borrowing some reading strategies from those of the best student, setting out a new time table, improving the time spent for personal or private studies especially in the library, and focusing more on consulting with his teachers on those particular academic areas that he does not understand well. The author's main focus would be to implement these strategies to his level best. Committing to them will at least provide some impacts to his academic performance, which will largely determine the last stage of the problem solving. The last phase would be to measure the impact of the strategy. This will entail the comparison of his academic achievements of this term with those of the previous term. Any significant improvement will mean a successful implementation of the problem. If there is no improvement, he will repeat the whole process of problem solving again.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Stress reduction techniques Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Stress reduction techniques - Research Paper Example Distress is a negative type of stress that can be short term or long term. This type of stress is caused by frequent undesired changes. Hyperstress occurs when a person is "pushed beyond what he or she can handle" (National Center). Hypostress occurs when a person is not pushed at all. Boredom is an example of hypostress. These types of stress can cause direct health problems, such as weakening the immune system and indirect health problems, such as leading a person to alcohol or drug abuse (Smyth, Joshua and Kelly Filipkowski, 272). There are many different ways that people cope with these types of stress. According to Band and Weisz, there are three main ways of coping with stress: primary control coping, secondary control coping, or relinquished control. With primary control coping, the individual attempts to change the circumstance that is causing the stress. With secondary control coping, the individual attempts to adjust to the current circumstance that is stressful. With relin quished control, the individual neither attempts to change the circumstance or adjust to it. The individual instead tries to ignore the problem. This paper will cover five popular techniques for reducing stress. One of the most popular techniques for reducing stress is meditation. This exercise is usually used with secondary control or relinquished control coping. There are three basic types of meditation: mantra meditation, sitting meditation, and breath-counting meditation (Davis, Eshelman and McKay). In mantra meditation, the individual settles into a comfortable position and repeats a special word or phrase to clear the mind of other thoughts and induce relaxation. Sitting meditation is the simplest type. The individual settles into a comfortable sitting position, then focusing on his or her breathing to induce relaxation. The last type is breath-counting meditation. This is similar to the sitting type, except the individual counts to a specified number, usually 5 or 10, for

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Problem Solving Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4

Problem Solving - Essay Example From this paper it is clear that the author overalls initial plan is to investigate the major root course of the problem. He will focus on comparing his performance to that of the overall best student. The reporter will review his studying plan and culture to determine the possible deficiencies that may be present. He will also consult with his teachers for each and every subject to get an opinion from them on his performance and what may have been the possible causes.As the discussion highlights the author will analyze his options. Among the possible solutions would be borrowing some reading strategies from those of the best student, setting out a new time table, improving the time spent for personal or private studies especially in the library, and focusing more on consulting with his teachers on those particular academic areas that he does not understand well. The author's main focus would be to implement these strategies to his level best. Committing to them will at least provide some impacts to his academic performance, which will largely determine the last stage of the problem solving. The last phase would be to measure the impact of the strategy. This will entail the comparison of his academic achievements of this term with those of the previous term. Any significant improvement will mean a successful implementation of the problem. If there is no improvement, he will repeat the whole process of problem solving again.

Personal Classroom Management Plan Essay Example for Free

Personal Classroom Management Plan Essay My personal philosophy of classroom management of a preschool or elementary school settings that it requires several things first, of all you have to have patience, determination, and motivation. You have to be flexible, careful in planning, and being very consistence. You have to be prepared and ready to manage your classroom from day one. Classroom does not come well-managed you have to mold yourself and your assistant to help your classroom be well-managed. I present myself as a democratic model because it helps you with the parents, and the community beside the students that everyone gets involve to help make the school and the students safe and keep them under control. This is when I would use Wong’s Model because it helps you manage your classroom from the very first day of school. This would help me prepared myself for  what’s to come and how I would implement my lessons and rules for the classroom as well as the students. You come up with a technique to teach the kids and go over it repeatedly. Especially the ages that I teach because they are young from ages 2 1/2to 4 years old so, you will have to implement it more than once. I would also use the Win-Win Discipline as well, because if you have students in you classroom that is constantly gives you problems or have trouble listen you cause this method to help meet the deeper needs of the students and respond to the causes of misbehavior in addition to eliminating interruption in the classroom. I want to help my students not call them out or label them as a problem child or student. This is just a portion of my philosophy to help me manage my classroom in a better why. These resources were very helpful and I hope to use it in my classroom to get a positive feedback. EDU – 450 Classroom Procedures Program of Study: Early Childhood Education Procedure 1: Entering the Classroom Objective: To create a classroom environment that is conducive to learning the moment class begins. When procedure will be introduced, modeled, and practiced and its frequency: Teacher will introduce the procedure on the first day of school. Teacher will model the procedure at the beginning of class for the first week of school. Students will practice this procedure a few times the first day until satisfactory. Teacher and students will repeat when reinforcement is needed or when new students join the class. Assessment and Feedback: Teacher will watch for the students that follow the steps correctly and will positively reinforce the students. Procedure Steps or Activity: 1. Walk in quietly (entering a new zone) 2. Put things away (backpack, coats) 3. Ask to go to a center (blocks, housekeeping) etc.  Procedure 2: Preparing for Circle time Objective: To optimize time for instruction and create a classroom environment that is conducive to learning. When procedure will be introduced, modeled, and practiced and its frequency: Teacher will introduced the procedure the first day of school. Teacher will model the procedure at the beginning of circle time for the first week of school. Teacher will practice the procedure the first couple of days until satisfied. Teacher and students will repeat when reinforcement is needed and as we get new students. Assessment and Feedback: Teacher will watch for the students that follow the steps correctly and will positively reinforce the students. For the students that is not doing it correctly, teacher will redirect them into doing so. Procedure Steps or Activity: 1. Teacher will turn off light to let them know how much time they have until clean up. 2. When the time is up, Teacher will clap hands twice. 3. Teacher will inform the students that it is clean up time. 4. Teacher will sing a song (It’s time to put the toys away). 5. When students are done cleaning, they will go to the carpet quietly. Procedure 3: Fire Drill Objective: The students will already know what to do during a fire drill. When procedure will be introduced, modeled, and practiced and its frequency: Teacher will introduce the procedure on the first day of school. Teacher will model the procedure at the beginning of class for the first week of school. Teacher and students will repeat when reinforcement is needed or when new students join the class. Assessment and Feedback: Teacher will watch for students that follow the steps correctly and will positively reinforce the students. Procedure Steps or Activity: 1. Teacher will sound a bell alarming the students that it is a fire drill. 2. The students will line up quickly at the exit door. 3. Teacher will gather all the necessary items. 4. Teacher will lead the students out to safety on the emergency exit. 5. Teacher will do a head count on students. 6. Teacher and students will stay in the safety zone until someone comes and let them know it is all clear and safe to go back into the building. Procedure 4: Preparing for Recess Objective: To optimize time for instruction, and the students would know what to do during recess time. When procedure will be introduced, modeled, and practiced and its frequency: Teacher will introduce the procedure on the first day of school. Teacher will model the procedure at the time of recess for the first week of school. Students will practice this procedure a few times the first week of school until satisfactory. Teacher and students will repeat when reinforcement is needed or when new students join the class. Assessment and Feedback: Teacher will watch for the students that follow the steps correctly and will positively reinforce the students. Procedure Steps or Activity: 1. Teacher will turn the light off alarming the students how much time they have until cleaning up the centers. 2. When the time has come, the teacher will clap her hands three times. 3. Students will begin to clean up their centers. 4. Once students are done, they sit on the carpet. 5. Teacher will call on students one by one to put on coats. 6. When it is time, teacher has the students to line up to go outside. Procedure 5: Preparing for Lunch Objective: To optimize time for instruction, and the students would know what to do during lunch time. When procedure will be introduced, modeled, and practiced and its frequency: Teacher will introduce the procedure the first day of school. Teacher will model the procedure before lunch time for the first week of school. Teacher  will practiced the procedure a few times the first day until satisfactory. Teacher and students will repeat when reinforcement is needed or when new students join the class. Assessment and Feedback: Teacher will watch for students that follow the steps correctly and will positively reinforce the students. Procedure Steps or Activity: 1. Students comes in from outside, they take off their coats. 2. Students are then to sit down on the rug. 3. Teacher will call 3 to 4 students over to wash their hands. 4. Students are to return to rug. 5. Teacher will call students to table when lunch is ready. Rules and Consequences Part One: 1. Come to class prepared and ready to work. 2. Have a winning attitude. 3. Everyone deserves respect. 4. Use kind words at all times. 5. Do your very best. 6. Have fun while you learn. The consequences for every action is that for the first, offence is the students will get a verbal warning and I will talk with them about there behavior, the students will know that we do not tolerate that type of behavior. Second offence is that I would call their parents to have a parent teacher conference to speak with them about their child behavior in the classroom. Create a plan on what we can do together as a team so it would not happen again. Third offence is that the students will be sent to the office and probably would be suspended for a day out of school. If it  is the third offence and they forget their homework I would call the student parents and explain the situation of their child and would have the student take 10-15 minutes from recess time to make their work up. As a teacher will let the students know what type of behavior that I tolerate in my classroom on the very first day. I will print out a copy of the rules for the students to put in their agenda, and one for the parents to keep at home. Once we have practiced the rules for the classroom, I would have the students to recite it aloud once a week to earn extra points. Communication I would communicate with my parents through newsletter. Through a newsletter the parent will know what their child is doing weekly. The newsletter will have the lesson that we would learn for the week, any important announcements, and what important meetings or announcement that is up coming. I would also communicate with the parents through phone by letting them know each week how their child is doing, what they have accomplished so far, and if they need help in any subject. Finally, I would communicate with my parents through email, because every parent do not have a phone, so if they have a computer they can also see what their child is doing and what we have cover so far. I will have a tutorial set up for parents that need help with different lesson to be able to help their child be successful and excel further in their education. Student Engagement Strategies The teacher must use varied viewpoints, theory ways of knowing, and methods of inquiry in teaching subject matter concepts. First, one way the teacher can engage strategies is to simply the lesson for the students and give them an opportunity to help find themselves as well as the answer. Second, you can use comics and graphic novels to engage young boys more than girls, into reading. Images are powerful, so young boys are very interested in it. The teachers can develop a complex discussion from a simple idea and help stimulate student’s critical thinking. Finally, teachers must engage students in generating knowledge and testing hypotheses according to the methods of inquiry and standards of evidence used in the discipline. I would use this image when I am teaching circle time or morning session. This  is teaching the students there ABC’s, days of the week, and colors with shapes, just to name a few. I would use this image when I want the students to ask questions quietly and not all at one time talking over each other. I would post this in my circle time area reminding them what to do when they have a questions to ask. Professionalism To be professional with each of the following: with students, parents, co workers and administrators is to be able to multi task. Inspire the trust of your clients of your students and parents. First, impression from the first day of school year is very important. Dress like a professional. Teachers should arrive at work looking the part. Always be on time, if you arrive 10 to 15 minutes before work is being on time. You will have time to prepare and go over your lesson before your class starts. Follow procedures and the protocol expected at your school. Professionals embrace the corporate identity and values and model these for the clients in this case, the children they teach. Take charge of your classroom, you have to let the students know from the very first day of school what you want from them and the rules and consequences for their actions. Take pride in the process and product. Professionally presented to your supervisor your notes and handouts. Never miss a dead line, try to be on time with your assignments, and do not way until the very last minute. Treat your colleagues and supervisors with respect. Model respect for authority for your students and gaining their respect will be much easier for you. Be passionate, positive, and enthusiastic about your work. A professional teacher will not create negativity in a staff room or engage in mindless gossip and the spreading of dissent. Take interest in every child. To better you get to know your students, the more influence you have on your students the better their attitude will be toward your subject and on their lives. Consult parents, having them involve  with you for the support of the students and the school the better it will be. Support your colleagues and school management walk the talk. Put the needs of the institution above your own. You are one person in a group of professionals who share a common goal and vision. In dealing with my strengths of my students and parents, we need to be passionate, open minded, and honest. You have to let parents know in anyway that you are there for them. You get the parents involve with the students education and as what they have questions about. As for co- workers, you just be respectful to one another. Keep the gossip to yourself and stay away from negativity. For administrators you have to be professional at all times, by dressing appropriate, being on time, have and open- mind. The area that I can improve in is being more open- minded, by letting my students be more involved in help planning the lesson and activity in the classroom. Let the parents be more involved by asking questions for example: what would they like to see more from their students in the classroom settings. Set up computer tutorial classes for the parents that do not know how to work the computer. The importance of being professional is a multi-task, because you have to be professional in many different ways, dress appropriate have people person skills, be polite, be a quick thinker and have individuals that are able to demonstrate professional attitude both in the office and in the field.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Shehri Language In Southern Oman English Language Essay

The Shehri Language In Southern Oman English Language Essay The UNESCO atlas of endangered languages has listed that Shehri Language is at risk of disappearing, based on Johnston (1982). The aim of this paper is to investigate at which level of endangerment the language is. This study has been conducted based on interviews with representatives from each part of the country, and distribution of a questionnaire to females and males Shehri speakers. Basically, the research has discovered that the Shehri language is a very rich language [linguistically] and need to be studied to discover all those issues as a part of the Omani culture diversity. Moreover, the results had shown that the Shehri language face a remarkable threatened starting from the next door culture, and ends with the educational philosophy. Support and encouragement need to be done by the government to support such studies to revive the language. The Shehri speakers are and still proud of their language and next generation should continue with those manners. Key words Language death, language revive, language revilaitaztion, language change, language and culture. Chapter One Introduction This dissertation is about the Shehri language in Dhofar. It aims to investigate the language form a sociolinguistics prospectives. As it is considered as severely endangers by the UNESCO we are going to investigate it by looking the language relationship with culture and surrounding variability. Although, the UNESCO records are clear and fact such a topic is changeable and it could be varied if the language is being recorded over a time and updated. In addition, since this language is not being studied before as endangered, we shall present the history of language and country to make the image clear, because it seems that the name of the language means a lot to the Shehri speakers, and there is a remarkable debate about it. Thus, it might draw the light on what are the reasons for the language death in Southern Oman. Moreover, a short survey on what have been discussed about the language in previous studies before the research body is introduced to address the following questions: Is the shehri language is going to extinct? If so, What are the reasons for this reduction in the number of speakers? What is the best solution to revive the language? After that, the analysis of data and findings will reveal what the study accomplished. Finally, this paper will discuss what might be done and how the revive the Shehri language. The language A Sheharat is a language that is spoken is south of Oman. It is known is the mother-tongue of the people who live in the mountain of Dhofar southern Oman. Moreover, since this language was and still the language of the people in the mountains of Dhofar , people from Salalah the capital of Dhofar call it Jabbali or Jabblat which comes from Jabbal in Arabic which means mountain. Moreover, Higgins (2010: 3) stated that the communist-backed tribal guerrillas controlled the whole of the Jebel Dhofar region (jebel [English spellings vary] is the Arabic word for mountain, hill, or slope). None-Shehri speakers describe the language of its speaker as Jabbalies or Gabbalies. When they say that this language is Jabbali it is due to translating the word Shehar (the origin name of the language which is mountain) into Arabic Jabbal, therefore, they call it Jabbali. According to Hetzron (1997:2) The Jabbali language received many names in the scientific literature, the most common of which being Ã…Â  xauri, Ehkili, Qarawi, Ã…Â  heri. In context, if any person is going to the mountain and he would name it he would say Im going to the mountain Im going to Shehar and in the city language Arabic it is going to be something like Im going to Jabbal. A Shehri (2000) has described his tribe to be the ancient tribe in the South the South Arabian Peninsula claiming that the language is named according to his tribal name, but this study revealed that the name Shehri coming from the name of the mountain in the language itself. In addition, Johnstone (1982) in his introduction was clarifying all those issues as a message from him for the important impact on the language. He stated that Tribal origins mean much less in modern Oman, and the large scale re-settlement has tended to blur these ancient distinctions. The name Jibbali, however, has the advantage that it avoids the mention of the term Shehri, with its tendency to stress old social differences between Dhofar tribes. In this view, This tells us that the different names that we have for the same language are common, because each person is describing it from his culture and language. But there is no doubt that the ancients speakers call it Shehrat or Shehri language. There are some people in Dhofar who do not believe that this is a language. According to them it is an accent or a dialect and the term language is something cannot be describing it. Their assumption comes from the idea that if the language is not written it is an accent, while if we look at the Shehri it is a language that contains it is own phonetics, vocabulary and grammar. At the same time it is not a part from any other language until now so they can call it an accent for X language. In fact, the Shehri have three different accents in Dhofar. This is due to the geographical variation in South of Oman. The most known part is the central part since it is closer to the city Salalah Johnstone (1981). Moreover Peterson (2004:256) and also Johnstone (1981) divided the mountains of Dhofar into three main areas; Jabal al-Qara overlooks Salalah at the centre, while the remote and largely inaccessible Jabal Samhan dominates the east, and the equally forbidding and barren Jabal Qamar commands the west. This might lead us the Shehri variant is based on those main inhabited places in Dhofar came from. The number of Shehri speakers is 5,000 according to Johnstone (1975, 94). This is taken during a war in Dhofar which force many people from the mountains to deported to Yemen as the closest country to Dhofar as looking for refuge from the war and a better place to lead their war since the government controlled the whole area in Dhofar. After that, in 1993 according to Omani national census the number of people who are living in the mountain is 25,000. At that time, the Shehri language was the first language in the mountains of Dhofar. On the other hand, Al Aghbari (2011) reported that the number of Shehri speakers are more than 147,000 people. Since the Omani Census are not counting the number of speakers of each language in the country; the number of Shehri speakers are not being officially known yet. AL-Shehri (2008) claim that the Shehri language consists of 33 letters with 6 extra phonemic sounds which leave the language with 39 phonemes. On the other hand, if we look at the letter and how they sound we might feel that they are similar to Arabic. Because it is not a written language [yet] people from other tribes and places in Dhofar tries to speak Shehri and at the same time they are using the same Arabic letters that they are used to. At this stage, the Shehri language starts to change and nowadays people hardly use the 6 extra sounds and replacing them with the normal Arabic phonemes. This doesnt mean that the Shehri language is a partial form Arabic. The vocabulary and language structures in Shehri are totally different, but the sounds might be the same since they are sharing the same area. The history of the country Dhofar was a very rich country in the trading market with other ancient nations. According to Zarins (1997:51) Dhofar province is the Atlantis of the Sand and speculated that it might have a trading center in southern of Oman. Moreover, he continues saying that Herodotus, Pliny the Elder, Strabo, and other ancient authors, though not specifically mentioning Ubar, gave brief accounts of cities in southern Arabia that market resins of frankincense and myrrh trees. While it is certain that the people of the Dhofar area grew rich trading these commodities, it would appear that the city of Ubar was an Arabian Nights fantasy. Furthermore, Dharmananda, (2003) confirms that the Myrrh and frankincense trading market reached china before 973 A.D as a medicine and also, in Egypt for embalming the bodies of the Pharaohs. Besides, Dharmananda (2003) believed that Myrrh and frankincense, traded throughout the Middle East at least since 1500 B.C. Therefore, it might be seen now clearly that the his tory of the area south of Oman was famous and strong enough to contend the Egyptian and the Chains empires. Such a nation must have a language, power, economic and financial system to compete such nations,otherwise the south Arabian Peninsula is going to be a an Egyptian or Chinese colony. After those glory days in southern the Arabian Peninsula lots of changes happen to ancient people. In terms of the economy and their statues worldwide as well. Recently, before the 1970, Oman was ruled by Sultan Said Bin Taimor (1932-1970) in which many people do not have the right to be educated, receiving medical care or even travel from Oman without his direct permission. This was the Sultans policy that results in Rebellion in Dhofar from 1968-1975. Dhofar was the capital of the south and the modern part of it. The Sultan of Oman, Said bin Tamur, ruled like a feudal lord: No Omani was allowed to leave the country, or even his home village, without the Sultans explicit permission. He banned all symbols of the decadent twentieth century From medical drugs and spectacles to book and radios and he flogged his subjects for adopting Western dress Ladwig (2008:66). Moreover, Higgins (2010:3) stated there were no roads, no schools, no hospitals, and no development of water resources for home or agricultural use. This was the situation all over Oman but with some emphasizes on Dhofar as the special place for the Sultan Said bin Taimor. According to Ladwig (2008:66) Dhofar was the Sultans personal domain, where he resided in seclusion year round, despite the fact that the nations capital was 500 miles north of Muscat. Although he took a Dhofari wife, who was the mother of his son, the Sultan disliked and distrusted his Dhofari subjects, the Jebelis most of all. It is clearly seen that all those issues happened since Sultan Said Bin Taimor taken the rule of the country made the situation in Oman and especially in Dhofar difficult to be controlled. Therefore, the Rebellion movement started from Dhofar (1968) with the help of the Soviets and China. Until, 1970 when the Sultan Qaboos the Only son of Sultan Said bin Taimor take the rule of the country and start to fight the counterinsurgency in southern of Oman, and make the promises to rebuild the country again. My people, my brothers, yesterday it was complete darkness and with the help of God, tomorrow will be a new dawn in Muscat, Oman and its people (Sultan Qaboos first speech 1970). According to Gulvady (2009) The Sultan Qaboos government has focused on economic development. He first addressed infrastructure needs, such as building roads and highways, as well as education. He is now focusing on sustainable development, diversification, industrialization, and privatization. The schools were built with a great care; hospitals, Universities and colleges to ensure that each person in Oman get the chance to be learnt and to be educated. Certainly, according the Ministry of Education (2012) the number of schools rose from 3 schools in 1970 teaching the Holy Quran and Arabic language only, to 1053 schools by 2010 teaching modern subjects as Mathematics, Sciences, Arabic, English, History, and Religion. In addition, Universities and colleges were established all over Oman. The main University is the Sultan Qaboos University in Muscat. Also, the biggest cities in Oman were provided with an applied sciences college and a technical college as well. Therefore, the use of Arabic language gets greater; while the Shehri language got a few chances to be practiced without being taught. To conclude, the past of Oman was dark and full of blood from the Rebellion movement against Sultan Qabooss father Said bin Taimor. All those promises by the Sultan Qaboos has been achieved in 40 years is something difficult and almost impossible. Thank to God and the hands of the Omani generations who learnt and trained under the government of Oman this path was easier.Now Omani students can be found in the world famous Universities studying and learning to continuing what the Sultan Qaboos has begun. The new regime, though undoubtedly good for the people, did lead to the decline of the Shehri language. Therefore, it might be worth to reorganize the Educational Philosophy in Oman. Chapter Two Literature review: During the last decades lots of changes happened to Oman, precisely Dhofari people and their language. The changes appear in the vocabulary choice, pronunciation, structure, words are disappearing and not being used. Marshall (2004:1) claims that investigators have shown renewed interest in the loss of non-standard varieties and the process of standardization. This has given important insights into the types of geographical area, social network, and social group in which language changes originate and mechanism involves in the process of diffusion. In addition, McMahon (1994:8) assured that we should never lose sight of the fact that language are spoken by people for purposes of communication; consequently, speakers change languages, although that is not to say that they are necessarily conscious of doing so, or that they intend to make changes. Perhaps speakers of any language hold the responsibility toward the changes happened at their time, but also the political decisions made by the country could play a positive or negative role. Moreover, considering the fact that the Shehri language is not a written language this risk gets greater. McCabe (2011:262) explains that There is no clear reason why languages change as extensively as they do; there are several explanations which cover various aspects of change, in the case of sound change we have seen that ease of articulation has historically been a motivator. With respect to sound change, it is important to mention the impact that the written language has had on language change. Moreover, a tremendous change took place during the last 40 years in Oman , generally, and Dhofar region result in having a new generation which differs from the elderly people in the way of thinking, learning, speaking and everything. McCabe (2011:263) assured that often young people use language differently than their parents, in the same way that they dress differently and listen to different music, in order to create an identity which sets them apart from their parents generation. Taking into account that any changes might be referred back to it after a time if it is written, but if it was only a spoken language in the community this means that there is no source for the language except those young generations. Besides, Beard (2004) believes that studying a language change consists of two parts, internal and external approach. According to him an internal approach to studying language change looks at such areas as vocabulary, spelling, meaning of words, grammar and compares usag e in old text with stage found todayBut if we look at the external aspects of this text, viewing it more as a social document, it seems to belong to different age Bread (2004:4). The Shehri language has been discussed in some books, Journals, TV interviews, and dissertations. According many people in this study lots of this information was presented wrongly. Many of them might be a personal believe or just a way to relate this language to their own purposes. For example, Ali AL Shehri books where he claims that this language is related to them as a tribe was totally unacceptable for people from other tribes in Dhofar. According to Al Shehri (2000:42) the Shahara tribes have preserved the most ancient Arab language (the Shehri), the traditions, folklore, proverbs, names of ancient tribes, ancient God names and much other ancient Arab culture. This assumption made by Ali made other people argue with him as relating the language to his tribe. At the same time, as other tribes and the government did not agree with what Ali mention in his books; none of his books were published in Oman to ovoid sedition between the people in Dhofar. Then, in (2005) Mohammed Al Mashani studied the language comparing it to languages such as the Arabic, the Old Yemeni language (Saba), and the modern dialects in Yemen, claiming that the Shehri language is the language of Hamyer the old kingdom southern the Arab Peninsula. Mohammed also brings a new name for the language and named with The Modern Hamyer Dhofari Tongue. It is clearly seen that the name of the language became the main issue for scholars and the people in Dhofar. Other studies such as Hayward et. Al. (1988), Johnstone (1972) (1980a) (1980a) (1981), Al Hakli (2008), Al-Shahri (1994), Hayward, Al-TabÃ…Â «ki (1988), Hofstede (1998) Makhashen (2009) focused their studies on the origin of the language and its people, and the grammatical aspects of the language only. This will provide a foundation for any research in the future to be built and based on them, if they were true and still have the same findings which is a topic need to be investigated again. However, moving from the battle of the name of the Shehri language and taking the UNESCOs records about languages that are in danger of disappearing; the Shehri language might not transform fully from the elderly generation to the younger ones. According to the UNESCO atlas of the most endangered languages (table 1) this stage is severely endangered. In other words, it means that language is spoken by grandparents and older generations; while the parent generation may understand it, they do not speak it to children or among themselves UNESCO (2010). This leaves the language with only two stages from being extinct. Degree of endangerment Intergenerational Language Transmission Safe The language is spoken by all generations; intergenerational transmission is uninterrupted >> not included in the Atlas Vulnerable Vulnerable Most children speak the language, but it may be restricted to certain domains (e.g., Home) Definitely endangered Definitely endangered Children no longer learn the language as mother tongue in the home Severely endangered Severely endangered The language is spoken by grandparents and older generations; while the parent generation may understand it, they do not speak it to children or among themselves Critically endangered Critically endangered The youngest speakers are grandparents and older, and they speak the language partially and infrequently Extinct Extinct There are no speakers left >> included in the Atlas if presumably extinct since the 1950s Table Degree of endangerment Adapted from Atlas of the Worlds Languages in Danger. Moreover, Al Hakli (2008) made a mini-dictionary for Shehri language joining the Shehri words to their meaning in Arabic. But until now the number of speakers is still declining. Which means writing a dictionary was not the solution to revive the language at this stage. Therefore, the questions pointed out to look for the solution and to investigate why the number of the speakers is declined. According to Romine and Nettle (2000:7) language shift and death occur as a response to pressures of various types-social, cultural, economic, and even military-on a community. Furthermore, Harrison (2007: 8) stresses that language death typically begins with political or social discrimination against a language or its speakers. This may take the form of official state politics to suppress speech, or it may be benign neglect. Therefore, it might be the reason that there are other variables controlling the number of speakers of this language. Mufwene (2006:2) stated that language death starts when speakers consulted with each other and decided collectively to shift suddenly to another language. This leads us to the beginning and taking in our consideration that Dhofar region has been benediction with the revolutionary movement by the Sultan Qaboos and many schools, Hospitals, Airports were built in a short time. Therefore, the Arabic language takes place in their houses and daily life. The new generation was introduced to schools that delivers everything to them in Arabic. However, many families had migrated from the mountain to the city to look for a better way of living and a job that helps them to overcome the hardship of life in their villages. Peoples language might be affected by the surrounding environment. Also, the language that is nearby lots of variables that might influence it such as economy, geography, the power of the next door language are at more risk of being disappeared. Moreover, language shift and dea th can begin by start learning the next door language. For example: The Kwegu language in southwest Ethiopia is spoken by 500 people only Lydall (1982:22). In addition, according to the UNSECO world atlas the number of Kwegu speakers declines in 1998 to reach 103 speaker only. Furthermore, Dimmendaal (1989:17) mention some of the daily activities practiced by the Kwegu ancient as they exchange honey with the overlord groups in the same area so they will be able to liveKwegu speak both their own language and the language of the Musri and Bodi while the latter tend not to speak Kwegu. So, learning other groups language was the effect of such discrimination in the society, therefore, their first language [Kwegu] will have less chances to be used. On this view, the Shehri speakers are shifting from their language to Arabic and this is due to many facts already mentioned above. When the next generation does not believe in their language and start to shift toward a new language which is stronger than their language, obviously, no one will speak with it and it is only a matter of years until the Shehri speakers reduction end with it is extinct. Dimmendaal (1989:18) points out that it is only when they start interacting with neighbouring groups whose cultures are viewed as more prestigious that their own language became particularly threatened The Weyto probably gave up their earlier language this way. Darmon (2010:2) argued that the Weyto Because the Weyto people do not own lands, they are living in extremely precarious conditions. They build their huts wherever the government allows them to, knowing that they can be asked to move at any time Without professing to be Muslim, they are usually not recognized as true Muslims by oth ers, maybe because some of them keep on believing in spirits associated with paganism. Therefore, Darmon thinks that such feelings towards your own language might lead you to give up using it and shift it to a stronger language in the society. Eventually, this language shift will result in language death within years. The language death is when a language disappears and becomes extinct. In other words, when people stop using their language or forced to do so. There are types for language death cited by Tsitsipis (1989:182) first, sudden death: the language disappears because almost all of its speakers die or killed (example: Tasmanian). Secondly, Radical Death when language loses is rapid and usually due to severe political repression, often with genocide, to the extent that speakers stop speaking the language out of self defense, a survival strategy for example: Languages of El Salvador. Then, Gradual Death which is due to a gradual shift to the dominant language in language-contact situations. Finally, the Bottom-to-top Death, where that language is lost in small steps first like homes and families and then moved when the government stop using it, it is the opposite on the Top-Bottom language death. Regardless to the reason for the language shift it is clearly seen that it is only a matter of ti me until language shift become language extinction. To conclude, it might be more beneficial for reviving endangered languages that writers and scholars studying the Shehri language should keep their focus first at the language itself rather than fighting against each other in bringing a new name each time. Since the Shehri language is not documented yet, it only exists in the peoples mind, therefore, we are losing a huge amount of the language and country heritage and culture each time a person dies. As what Harrison describes when we lose a language, we lose a culture, intellectual wealth, a work of art Harrison (2007:7). Chapter Three Methodology This part of the paper presents the methodology and how it had been designed to accomplish the aims and goals. First, this section will clarify the problem clearly. Then, the types of data, participants, questionnaires and interviews are going to be discussed separately. The problem Since the Shehri language is being listed officially by the UNESCO as [severely endangered] this research will be conducted to investigate if the Shehri language speakers are really under the risk of abandoning speaking their own language are not. Firstly, by looking at the number of speakers of the language and to see how it varies from the past. Then, through looking at the changes that happened to the language. According to Professor Miyaoka the director of The Endangered Languages of the Pacific Rim Project Particularly in case of moribund and isolated languages with speakers rapidly diminishing in number, of which there are quite a few in the Pacific Rim, we are obliged to emphasize documentation with good and minute analyses which could be achieved only with the help of speakers having deep linguistic insights. The Shehri is a language that is not written yet or documented officially. Therefore, when each person of the Shehri speakers dies an amount of the language goes with him. Similarly, the Arabic language was not written until people start to write it after the death of Prophet Mohammed in order to preserve the holy Quran from being changed and distorts. Before this stage the Arabic language was only exist in their minds and transformed from a generation to another by communication with each other. In the Shehri context, the Shehri language is not written, not fully transformed from a generation to another, people start to avoid using it and preferred to use English or Arabic to show how they are educated. Nettle and Romaine (2000:5) insist that language might be regarded as an activity, system of communication between human beings. A language is not a self-sustaining entity. It can only exist where there is a community to speak and transmit it. In addition, immigration from the mountain to the city provides a space for the two cultures to merge. Thus, some of the young speakers of the language are not able to speak or even understand it. This will result in having a new generation of Shehri speakers that are not able to speak their language. Nettle and Romaine (2000:4) assured that languages not passed on to the younger generation will eventually die out. Since the Shehri newer generation are not able to speak the language, therefore, the language is not going to transmit and will extinct. Types of data The Data collection part was separated into two main parts; the first part was to update the information about the language. Moreover, to explore and discover why this language is not being studied yet. Also, the main part of this section was to see if such a kind of researches is going to be accepted by the Shehri speakers and tribe leader or not. Since, there has been an assumption that the reduction of speakers outstanding for not having a written form of the language; this assumption is being abandoned with the Halkis basic dictionary were a space is being provided for the Arabic speakers in Dhofar and Oman to learn some vocabulary and sentence in Shehri. Therefore, this result leads us to wonder about this continues reduction in the Sheahri speakers. Through meetings with scholars such as Dr. Ali AL Shehri and Khalid AL Maashani, both are Sahehari native speakers, they ensure that the abstention of the new generation is clearly seen these days in their daily life conversation and usage. This leads us to the second assumption of this study. Second part, was the main data collection in which the aim was: First, to see the what extend the Shehri speakers use their language?. Then, do they find any difficulty in understanding old peoples language? Finally, are they aware that their language is at risk of extinction? At the same time to see what they might recommend for their language. To make the aim of this paper more achievable the questions were made easier to the Shehries to answer by shortening the questions and translate them into Arabic. As what Harrison discovers in dealing with endangered languages in Australia Charlie was not a talkative man, and most of our questions got monosyllabic answers: yeah or no. But once he got to talking, Charlie also shared stories of this place -learned from his father- of the Turkey Dreaming and of the Rainbow Serpent (Harrison: 2010:98). Therefore, involving their language could provide a better communication environment in this research. Since they are not used to such studies which was one of the obstacles of gathering the information from them. Moreover, such a research must consider respecting the traditional rules in the Dhofar were females are not allowed to have a face to face conversation with strangers. Therefore, some volunteers from various tribes in Dhofar helped by giving the permission to distribute the questionnaire among their families as a part of their wish to revive the language. This issue but this research at risk of having unreliable data. So, the research methodology needs to look for a strategy to make the data more valid and reliable. This research conducted using both methods of data quantitative and qualitative. The quantitative data are represented in the questionnaire answers and responds, while the qualitative data is taken from interviewing the participant and the answers from the open-ended questionnaire answers in this study. Such kind of data collection has been described by (Jick 1979) in which he looks at using two or more methods of data collection can be called triangulation. According to Jick (1979:1) It is largely a vehicle for cross validation when two or more distinct methods are found to be congruent and yield comparable data. In other words, using such methods might be the reason to accomplish the validity of the research. In addition, the research will get the chance to look at each part of his study from more than one point. In addition, Olsen (2004) assured that triangulation is defined as the mixing of data or methods so that diverse viewpoints or standpoints cast light upon a topic. Considering the advantages and it is drawbacks combining the two methods might help the researcher as to make his own conclusions about a topic especially if we are talking about sociological issues. In addition, Spicer (2012:484) stated that it is an approach to combining two or more quantitative and/or qualitative methods in addressing a research question in order to cross-check results for consistency and to offset any bias of single research method. In this context, this research tries to use the triangulation method so it could reach the best, real, and representative data by using both quantitative qualitative data and making use of previous studies about the Shehri l